

Maumee Graduate Highlight - Jameelah Kellar - Animal Welfare Administration
Maumee Graduate Highlight - Jameelah Kellar - Animal Welfare Administration

What kind of positive change could you make after a life-altering event? When everything is going well, a distressing situation that blindsides you could have a profound effect on your life and character. A great way to learn from misfortunes is to find a way to grow and progress in a new direction. Stautzenberger College graduate Jameelah Kellar did this by channeling her energy into finding a new career.

Graduate Highlight - Animal Welfare Management - Jasmine LaGesse
Graduate Highlight - Animal Welfare Management - Jasmine LaGesse

Are you juggling parenting, working, and studying for a new career in animal welfare management? Maybe you want to begin a new career program but are afraid you will not have the time to complete it. Fortunately, Stautzenberger College offers a flexible animal welfare management program that allows busy students like you to complete most assignments online. You could even complete the program in as little as nine months!

High School diploma not required
High School diploma not required

No high school diploma? No worries! Just because high school was not for you does not mean you cannot attend college. Our ten-month heating, ventilation, air conditioning, and refrigeration diploma program could open up a number of new career possibilities for you.

There are many reasons why students do not graduate from high school, but we know that you still have the potential to succeed academically.

Graduate Highlight - Brittany Windau Practical Nursing
Graduate Highlight - Brittany Windau Practical Nursing

Each week, we love to celebrate our graduates' accomplishments with you. However, we're not the only ones proud of all that our alumni have achieved. Their employers are thankful for them as well. Kingston Healthcare Company would like to acknowledge Stautzenberger College graduate Brittany Windau.

Study for a New Career You Could Love
Study for a New Career You Could Love

How many hours have you been at work, wishing you were somewhere else? Think of how much time you have spent staring at the clock, listening to managers who do not care about your progress, living the same routine that you have never actually enjoyed. That's all time you could have used to train for a career you could love. Fortunately, every day is a chance to start on a new path.

Employed as a Veterinary Technician
Graduate Highlight - Michael Bucknell - Veterinary Technician

Have you ever given up on a dream after encountering an obstacle? It's tempting to seek out a different goal whenever difficulties arise. You may conclude that accomplishing this task is impossible for you or that another path may require less effort and sacrifice. However, recent graduate Michael Bucknell never stopped pursuing his ideal career.

