

Ashley King
We Proudly Present Practical Nursing Graduate Ashley King

Is your career what you always envisioned it would be? Ashley King knew since childhood that she wanted to be a nurse, and she decided to pursue that passion. After enrolling in Stautzenberger College's practical nursing program, Ashley studied diligently and completed hands-on training. She faced several struggles during her time in the program, such as raising four children as a single mother and mourning the passing of her father during her last term.

Cannabis Employer Testimonial
Study More than Just Marijuana in Our Cannabis Dispensary Administration Program

Because cannabis is a new industry, people could be under the mistaken belief that all you need to be a successful cannabis dispensary administrator is a knowledge of marijuana itself.  While it is important to know your product, there is so much more to this job than just that.

We Proudly Present Practical Nursing Graduate Camille Jones
We Proudly Present Practical Nursing Graduate Camille Jones

Inspiration comes from a variety of sources. For Camille Jones, the inspiration to start a medical career came from several people in her life. “My children and former manager inspired me to become a nurse,” she explains. Following their advice, Camille enrolled in Stautzenberger College's practical nursing program.

We Proudly Present Medical Office Billing and Coding Graduate Renee Moyer
We Proudly Present Medical Office Billing and Coding Graduate Renee Moyer

Being a parent doesn't mean you have to give up on your dream career. Just ask Renee Moyer, a Stautzenberger College graduate. “I was working dead-end jobs, not going anywhere,” explains Renee. “Then the pandemic hit, and I was stuck homeschooling my daughter.

Benefits of a Career in Cannabis Dispensary Administration
Benefits of a Career in Cannabis Dispensary Administration

Why choose a career in cannabis dispensary administration?

Prepare for More Opportunities in a Rapidly Growing Industry

While the medical marijuana industry is relatively new compared to others, it is gaining traction quickly. By training for this field and seeking employment now, you will be getting ahead of the curve. Many more employment options could be available to you than other candidates who apply in the future.

