Study More than Just Marijuana in Our Cannabis Dispensary Administration Program

Study More than Just Marijuana in Our Cannabis Dispensary Administration Program
On September 30, 2021

Because cannabis is a new industry, people could be under the mistaken belief that all you need to be a successful cannabis dispensary administrator is a knowledge of marijuana itself.  While it is important to know your product, there is so much more to this job than just that.

Stautzenberger College’s Cannabis Dispensary Administration program provides you with the skills that could help make you successful.  It is important to be aware of possible drug interactions that a client might have.  You need to be aware of your legal responsibilities to your client and business, as well as ethical issues that might arise.  You need to be aware of your inventory and able to make decisions regarding it - including what products to carry, correct costing issues, and careful distribution.  You need to be an effective communicator - you are the contact person for the public and the supplier.  It’s important you know the correct procedures to keep everyone happy including the employees who work for you and your customers.

The cannabis industry is a rewarding one - you can help so many people get relief from painful conditions and even help animals feel better.  But you need many skills to be able to do the job effectively.  With those skills taught to you in Stautzenberger’s program, you could be successful and have a worthwhile career in the cannabis industry.

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