

Importance of Being a Jack-Of-All-Trades in the Animal Industry | Sctoday
The Importance of Being a Jack-Of-All-Trades in the Animal Industry


Give a dog a little flaxseed oil with his food and his coat will shine brightly. Give a dog a pig’s ear and it’s the caloric equivalent of giving a human six cans of soda.

Sterile processing technician | Stautzenberger College
Top 13 Jobs that Would Transition Perfectly into Sterile Processing

Last month, we covered the importance of a behind-the-scenes specialist in the medical industry called a sterile processing technician. In that blog, we talked about how these professionals save lives and prevent infections and yet have no interaction with the patients at all.

Stautzenberger Medical Lab Technician students looking into microscopes
Bringing Focus to the Profession of Medical Laboratory Technician

If you love the challenges of the medical field and feel at home among technical equipment, a career as a Medical Laboratory Technician may be for you. Read More. 

Top 5 Tips for Becoming a Medical Assistant
Top 5 Tips for Becoming a Medical Assistant

If you’ve done your homework, you know a career as a medical assistant is the right choice. The job outlook is experiencing a major growth spurt right now --- 23 percent to be exact. With an average national annual job growth of 0.5 percent, 23 percent is quite a substantial number.

Why Do Americans Still Cut Off the Toes of Their Friends?
Why Do Americans Still Cut Off the Toes of Their Friends?

To put this more delicately, why are we still declawing cats? I specify ‘Americans’ because we are one of the only “Civilized” nations left in which this procedure is legal. Veterinarians and vet techs in 20 plus other countries don’t even learn this in school.

