

Graduate Highlight - Medical Assistant Program - Kasey Lampson
Graduate Highlight - Medical Assistant Program - Kasey Lampson

“I have never been good at school,” says recent graduate Kasey Lampson. “I was lazy in high school and never did my homework. I had to train myself to focus to succeed.”

Graduate Highlight - Veterinary Technician Program -  Katlyn Gagnon
Graduate Highlight - Veterinary Technician Program - Katlyn Gagnon

“If you don't believe in yourself, nobody will.”

This was the motto that Katlyn Gagnon lived by as she progressed through Stautzenberger College's veterinary technician program. Her passion for animals inspired her to begin her journey at Maumee campus, and support from her instructors kept her motivated. “Renee Vollmar, Assistant Chair of the Veterinary Technician Program, always challenged me to be my best!” said Ms. Gagnon.

Graduate Highlight - Medical Assistant Program -  Lauren Rico
Graduate Highlight - Medical Assistant Program - Lauren Rico

Forced from her home, Lauren Rico desired a better career but could barely stay afloat, even with two jobs. Stautzenberger College's medical assistant program was just what Ms. Rico was seeking. Between her classroom lessons at Maumee campus and externship at Spring Valley OBGYN/PEDS, she learned how to provide excellent patient care. Not only would a medical assistant career put her in a better place financially, it would allow her to live out her passion of helping others.

Instructor Highlight: Diane Porter RN BSN CCRN - Nursing Program
Instructor Highlight: Diane Porter RN BSN CCRN - Nursing Program

At the age of four, wearing a Halloween costume she had asked her grandmother to make, Diane Porter was certain that nursing was her calling. She spent her youth bandaging dolls and stuffed animals; working in the lab, pharmacy, and medical ward as a candy striper; and joining the Future Nurses of America Club. In high school, she even took four challenging years of Latin to prepare for her future career.

Instructor Highlight:  Dr. Tiffany Cole, Veterinary Technician Program
Instructor Highlight: Dr. Tiffany Cole, Veterinary Technician Program, Maumee Campus

Cat fangs. All it took was one television program about large cats to spark Tiffany Cole's passion for animals. Researching cat dental diseases for a high school biology project, she found herself becoming more interested and studying animals extensively. She soon realized that she could spend the rest of her life engrossed in the topic of animal health. Following her teacher's advice, she decided to pursue a career in the veterinary field.

Instructor Highlight:  Paulette Rex, Nursing Program
Instructor Highlight: Paulette, Nursing Program

What if you could have the best of both worlds in your career? Paulette, an example of the kind of instructor you will find at  Stautzenberger College, found a way to incorporate both of her passions in her job. Nursing and teaching are equally enjoyable for her, and she is now able to practice both daily.

