

Become an Early Childhood Educator
Become an Early Childhood Educator

Looking for a rewarding profession? As an early childhood educator, you could be a positive influence in your students' lives and set children up for future successes. Teachers are needed now more than ever.

Meet Our Medical Assisting and Patient Care Technology Program Chair, Amber Clegg, RMA
Meet Our Medical Assisting and Patient Care Technology Program Chair, Amber Clegg, RMA

When did you start your dream career? Amber Clegg, RMA has been in the medical field since she was 15. Her passion for healthcare never faded but evolved over time. Although she used to focus only on helping patients, she is now proud to shape future healthcare workers.

Happy Best Friends Day
Happy Best Friends Day

June 8th is National Best Friends Day! How will you celebrate those closest to you? While we often think of our friends as people to watch movies, take walks, or talk with, they could also play an important role in our professional lives.

Pursuit of Happiness
Pursuit Of Happiness

Are your family and friends confused as to why you want to do more? “You're getting a paycheck that covers your bills,” they say. “Isn't that good enough?” However, you still come home each night with that persistent voice in your mind. You know the one.

Top Reasons to Choose Stautzenberger College for Online Learning
Top Reasons to Choose Stautzenberger College for Online Learning
  1. For over 10 years, we have been delivering online classes. We've had plenty of time to learn what works and update our online offerings.
  2. You can complete some or all of your online classes at the school.  You'll have access to our computer labs. Study with other students, print out assignments, or ask the staff member on duty for assistance.
Life is more fulfilling when you know your purpose.
Life is more fulfilling when you know your purpose.

Life is more fulfilling when you know your purpose. However, it could be difficult to discover what you are meant to do when you have bills to pay, family to care for, and assorted obligations that consume any leftover time you could have had for self-reflection. That's why Stautzenberger College has admissions counselors whose schedules are dedicated to helping you find your career calling.

