

We Proudly Present Vet Tech Graduate MaryAnn Shea
We Proudly Present Vet Tech Graduate MaryAnn Shea

“I stopped worrying about what other people thought and worried about what I wanted.”  These inspiring words by MaryAnn Shea share how she overcame the obstacles of other people’s ideas of her and followed her dream of loving animals and having a passion for helping them.  She refused to let the idea that she couldn’t do something stand in her way.  She continued on her path and has successfully completed her learning and is now showcasing her skills in helping to take care of the animals she

Up for a Challenge – Minecraft vs Supply Chain
Up for a Challenge – Minecraft vs Supply Chain

If you like playing video games like Minecraft, you might enjoy a career in Logistics and Supply Chain.  Just like Minecraft requires you to multitask by getting materials, building and protecting yourself, supply chain and logistics has you multitasking too!  While you’re not likely to encounter an Enderman at your job, you do have to be sure you can track and budget resources while keeping customers happy.  Jobs in this field can be found a

How to Find Love During the Holidays
How to Find Love During the Holidays

We may not be a matchmaking school, but we can connect you to the career of your dreams.

Are you someone others come to for career or relationship advice? Consider a program in Human Resources or Addiction Counseling.

We Proudly Present Addiction Counseling Graduate Jeffrey Beam
We Proudly Present Addiction Counseling Graduate Jeffrey Beam

“If not for you, then who?”  These inspiring words led Jeffrey Beam to start his Addiction Counseling program here at Stautzenberger College.  We are particularly proud of Jeffrey as he has graduated on the Dean’s list.  He did this while overcoming his own addiction issues which is further proof of his dedication. 

Brecksville Graduation Fall 2021

Congratulations to all Graduates!

We Proudly Present Accounting & Payroll Graduate Antonio George
We Proudly Present Accounting & Payroll Graduate Antonio George

Antonio George’s inspiration for continuing his education and getting his degree was to show his children it is never too late to learn - and he accomplished his goal!  Always good with numbers, Antonio put a talent to good use by earning his degree while working 60 hours a week.  It wasn’t easy to work 60 hours and do his schoolwork, but we are very proud of the effort Antonio put in to graduate.

