

Surgical Technology Graduate Jasmine Williams
Surgical Technology Graduate Jasmine Williams

Thank you Jasmine Williams for sharing how pleased you are with your surgical technololgy training at the Brecksville Campus.

For the July 30th Start, there will be an evening program option available.  Inquire today.

Create a Roadmap for Your Future?
Create a Roadmap for Your Future?

If you find yourself struggling to achieve your goals, you are not alone.  Here is the good news:  Our admissions staff is trained to help you navigate what career suites you and we start you off with a written plan to achieve your goal.

How important is a written plan (a roadmap to your future)? This excerpt from Mark McCormack will help you understand why a written plan is a critical component to achieving success. 

National Receptionist Day at Brecksville
National Receptionist Day at Brecksville

In 1991, the National Receptionists’ Association created a day to give recognition to the dedicated men and women who do so much for our organizations. Receptionists are responsible for providing an excellent first impression to all customers, in person, and on the telephone. Today our Brecksville Campus is honored to recognize Karen McKown.

National Receptionist Day at Maumee
National Receptionist Day at Maumee

At Maumee Campus, we take pride in making both students and staff feel like part of the Stautzenberger College family. As we celebrate National Receptionist Day, please join us in welcoming our new receptionist, Patricia (“Patt”).

Is Your Job Robot-Proof?
Is Your Job Robot-Proof?

Will a robot take over your job?  Online ordering apps, self-checkout lanes, self-driving taxis, automated brick laying, and even computer-generated imagery (replacing your favorite movie star)*. 
Technology is overtaking many industries in profound ways. The good news is that there are fields which are still more suited for human workers than machines.


Is it Time for You to Return to School
Is it Time for You to Return to School

I went to Stautzenberger College for Medical Assisting.
Soon, I fell behind on homework. I rushed in and out of classes to get home so I could take care of my family. Then my babysitter quit. That was the final straw. I stopped attending school.

Instead of reaching out to the kind staff at SC, I continued to let myself get overwhelmed. My disorganization grew worse until I just gave up.

