

What is your word for 2020?
What is your word for 2020?

What is your word for 2020? Mine is “Begin.”
According to Merriam-Webster, it means, “To do the first part of an action: go into the first part of a process.”1

We all have those actions that we know we need to take in order to grow and develop. Sometimes, starting them is the hardest part.

What’s your purpose in life?
What’s your purpose in life?

Is your purpose in life to make a difference in the lives of others?  At Stautzenberger College, we believe completing our new addiction counseling technician nine-month program could put you on the path to transform the lives of others.

Reasons to Become an Addiction Counselor:

New Year’s Resolutions Start Today
New Year’s Resolutions Start Today

Many classes begin January 6 or January 28th, depending on the program, so start the enrollment process today.

You know you want to attend college, but how do you choose a school?
You know you want to attend college, but how do you choose a school?

You know you want to attend college, but how do you choose a school? Numerous factors such as class size, course offerings, location, tuition, and staff qualifications often make the decision difficult.

Pursue your degree with confidence at a school that has been building great futures for over 90 years. We may have even taught your family members, friends, or neighbors.

Graduate Highlight - Lauri Maestas - Veterinary Technician
Graduate Highlight - Lauri Maestas - Veterinary Technician

Could you truly say that you will enjoy your current job for your entire life? Stautzenberger College graduate Lauri Maestas could. Once she found her career calling, she followed it wholeheartedly and never looked back.

“A close family friend told me about the vet med field and how she could really see me pursuing that as a career,” Ms. Maestas explains. “I looked into it, and I am lucky to have found something I'll do for the rest of my life.”

How to find the motivation to achieve your goals.
How to find the motivation to achieve your goals.

Can't find the motivation to achieve your goal? Students sometimes say they just don't have the energy to attend school. However, you could boost your energy by increasing your dopamine and serotonin levels.

